
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why was my question about drug abuse removed? what was wrong with it?

This was the qeustion in question "I am debating with myself how I can best solve my problems and get my needs met, some people say take drugs?" What do you think about this?
Do not take drugs your problems will just get worse plus you will have a whole other set of problems to deal with.
Your question was probably removed because it violated the terms of service. Reread the Community Guidelines, particularly the allowable content section.
I think you could have just worded it better. More detail, of what type of problems, and what type of drugs you are talking about, and exactly what drug. If you are talking about going to get medication from a doctor for depression, panic disorder, bi polar disorder etc... that makes a huge difference in the results you will get. If you are just asking should I become a crack head to escape life, well then that is another story also. They different policies on talking about certain things on here. You need to be a lot more specific.
And depending on your individual situation, and what your problems are... You very well could benefit from meds. The only way to really determine that is to talk to a doctor. There is no shame in asking for help. That is what they are there for. Becoming a drug addict is not a good idea in any way for any reason. It will only complicate things more, and then it turns into this vicious cycle. It's best to try to find a way to resolve, or at least find ways to help with the problems you are having what ever it may be.
There I hope I answered both questions well enough for you.
Because you had questionable content. Read the community guidlines...
DO NOT take drugs. My sister is a recovering drug addict and to speak for expeierence drugs will just create another problem for you. All drugs do is mess you up even more. My sister has gotten in legal trouble with drugs and it all started over a problem that could of been solved and instead she created a bigger one that she will have for the rest of her life.. There are other ways to handle problems.
if you have to ask if drugs can in anyway help your situation. then i suggest your DR is the man to ask and if you can not do that then the answer is clear

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