ok..i noe this is weird bu since i was like 14, i had this weird "thing" for fabrics.. even thinkin about rich fabrics makes my mouth waters..i even watch HSN when they present shows about textiles and ppl sumtimes think im watchin it cuz i wanna buy stuff...what could cause this ??
Pica comes immediately to mind.
dont quite know but i do have some old sheets that i was going to give to good will...400 therad count sweetie!!
you may have a disorder called pica.
this causes people to want to eat non-food items. dirt, and crayons are very common. pica can be treqated with a medication or just a strong will not to eat them. ask your soctor if you may have this disorder, and what you can do to get out of it. .. if you want to stop eating fabrics.
glad i9 could help.
I have no idea. lol
But I did once see on "Untold stories of the ER" on Discovery Health about a girl who ate toilet paper. She had eatten it since she was young. She would eat about a whole roll a day.
She had come into the ER due to pain in her stomach. Well, duh they thought it was due to the fact she ate toilet paper. Wrong. It turned out she had an eptopic pregnancy that burst while she was in ER. It had nothing to do with her eating toilet paper and as far as the dr knew she still ate it. lol
There is a name for it. It is called: Pica
I did a search and here are some links I found that you may be interested in:
I actually developed Pica during pregnancy, and trust me, nothing could make my mouth water like cement grout. I used to suck rocks, if I couldnt find a brick wall to lick. I have no idea why, it went away the moment my son was born, but returned last year when I fell sick. It's a deficiency in the body of some sort, perhaps iron, I don't know. Maybe see a naturapath, or load up on some vitamins from your pharmacy. You might find it goes away, like mine did. Anyway, I wish you all the best!
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