and why do people think that suicide is weak?
I just want to know this
People cut themselves for many different reasons. It is not always a cry for attention. I think that people are becoming more aware of it than ever before, so there comes this stigma that it is done only for attention. People think they know so much about it, when in reality they don't. People with Borderline Personality Disorder tend to engage in self-harming behaviors for attention, although it is on a subconscious level. People with Bipolar 2 tend to self-harm, but for completely different reasons. Many different disorders can have self-harm as a symptom. People also start self-harming for many different reason. Mostly I believe it is a way to cope with an overwhelming emotion. Many people who self-harm have been abused, but many have not. It is a coping mechanism that is picked up and continued because it works. I self-harmed for 15 years and never once thought I was doing it for attention because I never told anyone, I was ashamed of it and I hid it. I realize now that in a way it was a cry for help. One of the reasons I did it was to put my emotional pain in physical form, so if I did show someone they could see how much I was hurting (although rarely did I ever let anyone see). Cutting can be seen in two ways: a very serious symptom of a serious psychiatric disorder or from a traumatic background, or it can be seen as body modification, along the lines of piercings and tattooings.
As far as suicide goes, most people believe it is weak. It is a cop-out. I mean, everyone has problems, right? Yet not everyone chooses to commit suicide. One of the greatest examples (at least to me) is to look at survivers of the Holocaust. Look what they went through and look how many had the strength to live on, yet they went through something extremely horrific. But at the same time, there are many people out there with psychiatric disorders that can lead to suicidal thoughts, and suicide itself when not treated. Generally someone who commits suicide is in so much emotional pain that they can't bear to keep living. This is what I like to refer to having blinders on. They are so stuck in the present there's no possibility to see any future. I was suicidal for many years and attempted it several times, one of those times landed me in the hospital. I didn't have anything, I didn't believe that anyone truly loved me, I felt completely alone and depressed. I am incredibly thankful that I survived, I have a wonderful life now. I don't think suicide is weak, it is just a finite coping mechanism.
suicide is weak because you've lost control over your life and are to much of a wuss to try and fix it.
because cutting yourself is a cry for attention, and suicide is just giving up and saying you're too weak to live life
Because some people do it for attention, for this people who are actually suffering are the victims of prejudice.
A simple and efficient way of dealing with all of life's problems is commiting suicide. ( For schmucks.)
Suicide is seen by many is simply giving up on life, for one reason or another, because it's "too hard". The term "emo" began as a genre of music, nothing like the bands generalized as "emo" today. This gave birth to the "trend" known as emo. As with all trends, stereotypes arise, as well. The main stereotype given to emo is severe depression and suicide with the intention of getting attention.
I strongly disagree with these stereotypes, and am also strongly against suicide. Suicide is murder. Killing yourself is still killing a human being, and ending your life is (in my strong opinion) the worst thing you could do to yourself.
Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion, not fact. You will not find a "fact" on this situation, since it's completely objective.
To me suicide is not weak. You have to be pretty fucked up and insane to kill yourself. I would never do that. Im too much of a puss to kill myself. But most people who attempt do it in the longest way possible as a way to get people to notice you. That's when u know you're a EMO. They do it cause thats the only people will notice them. A real fucked up person would do it in the most effective way..
I for one have a daughter that cut I talked with here and she all ways told me that cutting is a form of aggression and getting her anger out most people don't understand and will look at yo as a freak and mentally disturbed if yo want the affect of cutting but not the talk that goes with it from others then try skin art " tattoos" and they are very decorative!
I've never quite understood it. I use to cut myself but I made sure NO ONE saw what I was doing. I hid the cuts so no one would know.
Maybe some people do, do it for attention -- or maybe it's their cry for help. In any event, cutters tend to have borderline personality disorder, and the self mutilation is quite often a symptom. They're not bad people, they just haven't figured out a better way to deal with the stressors in their lives.
Suicide on the other hand, I think people see as weak because the person who wants to die probably just doesn't want to face the obstacles in their life anymore. Instead of owning up to their problems, they take "the easy way out" and leave a bigger problem for those left behind.
Most people would assume that nobody would willingly injure themselves unless they wished to draw attention to themselves, to try to get other people to help them to stop.
People who think suicide is weak may believe that it is taking the easy way out of your problems, that it reflects an unwillingness to deal with life's problems that everyone has, and that it is very selfish and does not take into consideration the effect it has on friends and family.
Being a cutter is no fun. People who cut themselves don't do it to seek attention, as a matter of fact, they mostly feel shy about it and do it in such a place where it is unnoticeable like on the legs or arms and then they wear long sleeve tops.
It is usually people who went through extreme trauma like a rape, robbery or has seen a murder taking place. (this is just examples).
But cutting themselves is to get the emotional pain out of their heads or "get away" from it. It is totally a physical pain replacing an emotional pain. Some people even cut themselves so deep that they'll die from it. These cuts will leave severe scars and will always be there for them to see. It is probably a proses of healing themselves. These people don't necessarily want to die, they are simply replacing one pain with another.
Committing suicide, well that is a total different thing. These people choose to die, they don't necessarily have a problem, they just loose the taste for life, the willingness of living! They believe the only way of their "feeling" is to die, and therefor commit suicide.
The reason why they say suicide is weak, is because you might die, commiting suicide, but you leave EVERYBODY behind, maybe even without answers, which makes YOU weak. I see you say pain for the rest of your life, did you know that there are people who help people with these "pains" you are talking about? Suicide is not the only way out you know?!
cutting is NOT a cry for help... it is usually hidden from EVERYBODY... how can that be a cry for help, when no one knows???
As for suicide being weak... I think it is not... it happens after a person has exhausted every other avenue.. and they cannot stand the emotional pain..which often comes with physical symptoms...
If the suicide has is due to extreme health problems... I think it is a blessing.. why should a person be subjected to all that physical pain just to save their loved ones from emotional pain?? That is not fair to the sick!!
Hello, first cutting is a problem, seems like cutters have no threshold for pain that we know but think about why you do it. Its some kind of emotional problem that makes a cutter have some kind of relief of that emotional cycle. heck yes its terrifying for the watcher and the conclusion is made, doing it for attention when actually there are deep emotional immaturity. Get help before you go too far please. I am bi polar, earlier to my help i burned myself w cigarettes, I drank until I blacked out and i am a suicide survivor. Been down the emotional hell From my prospective now suicide is weak that means that you dont care for your family friend ect. Is one hell of a night mare to go through because all the pain you cause by deciding to do the selfish thing, Which when you realize when you have been there and realize just weak suicide is. I am telling you first hand thats what i know! All the emotional bad things that keep you here dwelling, you will get stuck, Talk to a therapist pick the right one and release all of pain. You will find yourself in a better place. Take care.
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