about two years ago ,i had a small degree of depression that make me dont want to see other people and it make me dont go out of home and avoiding see my friends and this thing lasts for about one year ,during this time my freinds tried to reache me but i kept avoiding them and not returning their calls back for no reason , after one year of avoiding them one day i saw one of my friends by couencedence and then we return to see each other and hang out like we were before together , since 2 weeks now we have not called or see each other i am feeling that iam returning to avoid them again though they didnt do any thing to hurt me and they are a good freinds but i dont now why sometimes i dont want to see or contact them, and when they calles me i dont answer the phone .
You did not state if you are seeing a psychologist about your depression. You may need some medication to help you with your depression, although I myself prefer to talk things out with my psychologist. I see mine every month and tell him things I don't usually discuss with any member of my family. An outsider will be impartial to the problems and help you deal with them and will give you advice that you may or may not follow.
Sometimes people need to be by themselves and being surrounded by a lot of people can be overwhelming, but continued loneliness and separation from the outside world is not good nor healthy. You do not state if you live alone or with your family. If you live alone, then I urge you to see someone about your problem. If you are a teenager, please talk to a school counselor or your parents about seeing a psychologist. Life is hard and not easy but you just have to take it day by day and make the best of it. There is a lot of stress today and in the case of young adults(a lot of peer pressure)which makes them step into their own little world. I have seen many of my friends and also my son's friends take the wrong road and the outcome has not been good. The sooner you see or talk to someone about this the better.
ive been like that before i normaly jus stop talking to a certain person for no reason for a while but try not to let it happen if you dont talk to your friend for for a few days then its not so bad but honestly ul start to drift apart from each other and its not a good expirience , even if you don't want to talk to them for what ever reason , try to even a simple hello how you doing can keep your relationship going
have you been to a doctor? maybe you just need a small dose of medication or a therapy session. there are lots of people with disorders like that- it is treatable:)
sounds like social phobia. try seeing a therpist. could really help you.
Hi Scorpio. Friends are important things to have. That this friend still wants to have contact with you after a year of avoidance is quite special.
But on the other hand you shouldn't only see others because you feel obliged and want to be friendly. This won't be to good for the friendship.
Think about how much alone time you need- and how often you would like to see your friends. Next thing is to tell them this. Answer your phone. You don't need to feel guilty about wanting to be by yourself. And I'm sure they'll understand.
This is a classic sign of depression. I don't know if you actually have depression, maybe there's something else going on, but you definitely need to speak to somebody.
Do ask your doctor to refer you to a good therapist, so that you can get some help; then you can enjoy being with your friends again! They've obviously been missing you!
I have a friend who has depression. Sometimes she just doesn't feel like getting together. Sometimes we don't see each other, talk, or email for a while. Do any of your friends have email? Do they know what you're going through? I, of course, know my friend's situation, and I am respectful and I understand that she just needs some time to work on herself every now and then. But, I've found that emailing helps. She can respond to me whenever she wants to, plus it doesn't have to be a long drawn out thing.
my be that's because that's what you want to do is be alone for a while me myself have those days its fine what you need to do is fine something you like to do have a plan and go for it put it up on a peace a paper and go for it ya your friend Sophia
that麓s because you have a mental disorder
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