i had a break down today. it was about losing my best friend to a OD. my boyfriend also has been plaing mind games and is really fu**ing me up. he try to talk to me on the phone but i cant handle it. i went to take a bath to try to forget about stuff and ended up cutting myself and wanting killing myself in the water. im not sure if im in shock and cant fell anything. my emotions are going crazy and i cant tell anyone of my family cuz of some reasons. so please help me.
any sort of depression can be tide over by faith in GOD and sincere prayer.
Your prayer is from your heart. Further You must have to understood the fact that God is present in our heart. This can be realised in meditation. Further we are the creation of our own destiny. As per Hindu sacred religion, we carry all good and bad deeds life after life. There is no end unless we pray for unification of self with the divineliness.
Hence there is always a possible way to complete mergence with God in this life by a simple and wonderful meditation
You need jesus. Or some really good stuff
Just get away, drive to the country, and relax.
You need to get counseling from a psychologist or psychiatrist. You are not going to get the help that you really need from those of us on YA, you need real assistance from a trained counselor and you may need to be on anti-
Please ask someone for help, you are an emotional mess right now and need help immediately.
Go to a friend, a teacher, someone at social services, your local hospital or even your local church and ask for help. Do not struggle through this alone.
I wish you the best and will say a prayer for your health and healing.
Losing a best friend to an OD would certainly be overwhelming for anyone. I think you're having trouble breathing because you are upset and unable to let things out. Not being able to let things out can also be a part of cutting yourself - as a way to try to let things out. Your pain is certainly understandable. If you don't have somewhere you feel you can be completely safe it will be really hard to let go. You are not going crazy but I can imagine you sure feel like it. When I face a major stressor like that I don't know where my mind goes, it just goes. Going to take a bath was a good idea. I commend you for that. So, right now, what you need is a good action plan. Mostly that means getting yourself away from the things which make it worse and trying to establish a sense of safety. You may want to simply tell your boyfriend that right now he really isn't helping and you need some time alone from him if he can't be supportive of where you are. Remind yourself over and over again that cutting will not be useful. Remind yourself when you feel the urge that what you are really experiencing is a very strong desire to be able to feel something and get things out. So, it's important to find some way to provide an emotional outlet to your feelings - they are in there. Ironically, if they weren't so powerful you would be able to see them. Since it appears that crying or giving voice to them isn't working I would suggest something physical like writing or doing artwork. Both are excellent means of helping the process of getting the overload to stop from boiling over. The great thing is doing these also gives you something you can SEE. Write whatever you need, whatever you want. Scratch all over the paper if you want. The important thing is just to get something out, whatever it is doesn't matter. Artwork - I find collages work good for me, because I can't draw worth squat. You can even try just coloring. Anything that gets the feelings out through your body will help. You may very well find in the process that the feelings start coming. If they do, let them. You will feel much better if you can. Even though feelings feel enormous and overwhelming they never last forever and the release will find you feeling so much calmer. There are other things that can help release feelings - anger anyway. Screaming into pillows, ripping up phone books, having a temper tantrum in your bedroom. Do what you need to do. Just remember in the process that you are okay. What you are experiencing will end. It is okay and normal to be overwhelmed when awful things happen. Take care of you and be gentle with yourself. Find your favorite music, try your best to relax, and know that everything's going to be alright. It may not feel like it but it will be. Thanks for writing.
Kaylee -- When we have a breakdown is when we are so overloaded that our emotions spill over effecting how our mind works and how our body functions. We feel like one big blob with an overwhelmingly big emotion that has taken over our body, and it just doesn't make sense. Your problems tonight are real, and you need to be where people will genuinely care about you in your trials.
I have a number you can call - a 24 hour hotline - where you can talk. 1-800-NEWLIFE
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