They death or near death of others doesn't seem to effect me, I'm just curious if anyone knew the reason why I take death situations so well.
I'm just curious because when my most favorite pet cat died/disappeared I didn't really feel any emotion about it, and when my one dog died, same I didn't feel upset either.
My mom on the other hand was all upset about it and crying about it, and now my one grandma has recently got some type of cancer through genes, which she will die from in 6months to 2years because it isn't curable at its current stage its at, and my mom is extremely upset about it, moreso than my animals.
It just makes me wonder, my mom always gets so upset by deaths, yet for me Its like I'm not upset at all (they don't really take any effect on me), it just seems kind of odd to me I guess :P
Everyone takes death differently, depending on your life experiances, you could be desensitized
If your like myself it takes a while for sadness to set in. It doesn't hit you at first but over time you slowly come to grips with the situation.
On the other hand, you could just have a natural defense mechanism that allows you to block the sadness of death, if you think this is the case, I'd be careful your emotional shield could break down at the worst time.
you're what doctors call a sociopath.
Youth can provide a person with a Teflon coating. But that coating wears off with age.
lol you might be slightly sociopathic, and hey GUESS WHAT, PERSON WHO POSTED THAT.a doctor didn't say she had it, so why are you talking about doctors you dumb ****? anyways you are like me, and I find myself like this too, what you are doing is putting a powerful sheild over your emotions so you wont feel them...because you dont want to or you have been trained to do so.
Some people are more emotional than others...your not as emotional as your mom,, with time and hormone changes that could change...nothing strange.
I don't know! Maybe you just don't care.
Don't worry about yourself. Losing a cat is not the same as losing a loved one. Reading about death in the newspaper or hearing about it on TV is not the same as losing a loved one. If you haven't lost someone very close (person, not cat), you have yet to experience the loss.
That doesn't mean that you have to get all emotional if you do experience a loss, many people keep their feelings inside a lot.
it's worse when it's someone whom you've shared a lot of memories and time with, and when they're gone, you still pick up the phone to call them, before you remember that they're gone and will never come back.
Everyone reacts differently at different rates. If you have no other symptoms and are empathetic, don't worry about it
I guess it depends on your age. Im a very empathetic and emotional (not histarical) (however u spell it,) Person, so I cant even imagine being like you. But how is a person supposed to grow if they dont feel heartbreak?
maybe your like me . you have lost a lot of close people and that you know now that its just part of life.
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