An American Doctor has noticed that some of schizophenia people don't need to have drugs when they get 60 years old.
In addition,I have discover way to cure the diseese more effective,
Why don't people believe ?
Because it's not true, dear.
they don't want to I guess
You can't even spell DISEASE correctly, why should people believe that you found some sort of cure for schizophrenia?
Maybe they will if you start writing correct English.
they probly dont think ur a real professional or unless theyre jealous that u made a cure
I've worked in a psychiatric unit and I'm sorry, schizophrenics are just as nuts at 20 as they are at 40 as they are at 60 as they are at 80. People don't believe because there has been years and years and years of research that shows differently. Schizophrenics off their meds are just an unsafe practice regardless of age. Often at a later age it's worse because there's ischemic changes in the brain which can exacerbate the symptoms of the schizophrenia.
Why don't people who suffer from schizophrenia believe that indeed with out their meds their going to suffer the same psychosis they did ,and be right back to square one ,without their medication?
They are skeptical.
many people are agnostic, aetheist... or pessimistic and skeptical.
as far as American Doctors - look at they they are being taught in medical school - cut out the parts, get radiation and take man-made chemical drugs.
If you like look up your ideas at
then write to researchers with similar ideas
If they like your idea they may do research then publish it
peer review is among the forces that create belief
research scientists read anonymized versions of research prior to publication that way they are on equal footing
because people tend to like the way there life is and in believing they need to consider more things and when they act in a way that is not good or Wise they know they are the only ones who that get hurt from it and they don't need to consider some high being.and in the end of the day many do believe but they like not knowing it.
Because "people" don't know who you are or what you do for a living. (on the Internet) Even if you are a certified M.D. which I highly doubt that you are; you need to prove it (obviously takes a lot of time, resources and willing test subjects to your "cure.")
Also because you said "noticed" instead of "proven" or "discovered." I have "noticed" a lot of things; but unless I come up with solid proof not a lot of people will believe me unless they know me personally.
I thought the diagnosis of schizophrenia was life long, not just until the age of 60. Why when someone turns the age of 60 why would they not need to take their medications anymore unless it is approved by their doctor not to take it? Relapses occur most often when people with schizophrenia stop taking their antipsychotic medication because they feel better, or only take it occasionally because they forget or don't think taking it regularly is important. It is very important for people with schizophrenia to take their medication on a regular basis and for as long as their doctors recommend. If they do so, they will experience fewer psychotic symptoms. Antipsychotic medication should not be discontinued without talking to the doctor who prescribed it, and it should always be tapered off under a doctor's supervision rather than being stopped all at once.
Numerous studies have found that psychosocial treatments can help patients who are ALREADY STABILIZED ON ANTIPSYCHOTIC MEDICATIONS deal with certain aspects of schizophrenia, such as difficulty with communication, motivation, self-care, work, and establishing and maintaining relationships with others.
In your question above you stated you have discovered a way to cure the disease more effectively. I can't answer the question as to why no one will believe you. Have you done the following so you can prove your theories? Have clinical trials on patients with schizophrenia been performed to prove your theories? Are you a doctor? What are the cures you are talking about? It takes many years of study, research and clinical trials to prove your theories.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
People rely too much on drugs. You need to solve your problems without drugs. Drugs are just a temporary help. Stop being babies and face your problems.
Because it's not true, James. I realize it's hard to face the fact that you have a disease that you will never get better from, but it's true. All you are doing right now is fooling yourself. You need to take your medications, or you will do something you don't want to do, either to yourself or someone else. Stop trying to avoid the truth, and start getting better.
And no, it is not true that schizophrenics don't need to have drugs after age 60. I work with clients who are over 60 and who need their schizophrenic medicine every day.
I know this is difficult for you, but your medication is there to make you better. If you don't take it, you know what will happen, and you know it won't be pleasant. You have a choice to make. You can deal with reality as it is, or you can decide to let your illness take over. It's up to you to decide. I hope you decide the right way.
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