Answer: I don't think it is bad. People who never wanted to kill them selfs think it is bad cause they dont know all the things. I think that sometimes suicide is the only selucion and then not in a bad way. Can you blame someone who has no familie, no friends, no people that care about that person, who has a disease, can you blame that person for killing him/her self. In that case i dont think that suicide is bad, when you only live in pain and things like that.
Because lives are sacred gifts from God.
because most of all they must not have any respect for there family hu will be greving once their gone
Because it is selfish.the person committing suicide doesnt always think about the people they are hurting. It is not like it is the worst thing ever.but it is selfish.
Because It Is a Permanent Solution To A Temporary Problem.
It Hurts The People Around the One That Commits Suicide, That Love Them.
'cause they think that its "abnormal" activity.
yet everyone does it.
because it is how would you feel if the preson you love the most suicides himself or herself would you like that people kill themselves because of reasons like a bad day or things like those but that isnt a reason to do it .
People who have attempted w/o actually dying have said at the last second, they had regrets.
because the fans of suicide are all dead! :)
no, seriously...unless you are suffering an excruciating illness and every moment of your life is spent in pain and you will never get better, I do not understand why anyone would consider ending their life. But that's just me - I rather enjoy the process of living, and even when things are bad, I know that it is my choice and my responsibility to make them better for myself.
I don't necessarily think suicide is a bad thing. There are too many vairables in each situation. However, suicide does put an end to everything--even the very solution that comes knocking after the fact.
Scenario here: a friend of mine was having an arguement with is girlfriend. Just an ARGUMENT. He hung up the phone and put a gun to his head - pulled the trigger.
His loving family found him in a puddle of blood, hours later. His girlfriend has suffered a total breakdown and has turned to drugs. She has lost custody of her son to her parents.
The selfish individuals who commit suicide leave devastation in the wake of their selfish death. Suicide is selfish.
It's unfair on family o'r loved ones. But suicidal people always feel that no one would miss them.
you can fix whatever is wrong with your life. but to just give up is a shame. once you're dead you're gone. i don't think it's selfish but i also don't agree with it. it's not a solution to the problem. i would never try to make a suicidal person feel worse by telling them they're being stupid, or selfish, or they'll go to hell. instead i'd try to help them want to go on living!
people think its bad because your taking your own life.. but you some people don't realize what is going on in the persons life that wants to make them kill themselves..
If you read the metaphysical books about life after death it says you don't go to hell but end up in a dark, gray world all alone where no one can help you. Check out the movie "what dreams may come" with Robin see what I'm talking about.
Apart form the fact, it is the most selfish act you can commit and the most "CRUEL", for everyone you left behind.
A very scary fact, is that most people regret in the most profound way the "worst" judgment call of their life, once they realize that they are at the point of "NO RETURN"..reported by the lucky few, who(AT THAT TIME) really thought "DEATH" was their "only option", being very lucky that at this, they failed!! AND..THEY LIVED TO TELL ABOUT IT!
because it's what losers do. committing suicide is not the answer to escape one's problem. God gave you the gift of life so only He can take it away from you.
becuase it is. you are just wasting life. i always said this to myself: without a dream there is no reason to live." den a girl came to my life and changed everything. she made me realize that the wold may come to an end but there will always be someone for them. she gave me a reason to love and live. life is a gift, try to take advantage of it.
in the case of a terminal illness it could be the right thing for you and all of your "loved ones are the selfish ones" at this point. It is not right to have someone "suffer" just because we want them to be around to see next Christmas or whatever. the point here is WHO is actually the one that's selfish, the dead person because they couldn't, wouldn't or didn't know how to deal with the pain of living, or the people who "loved" them who couldn't, wouldn't or don't know how to deal with them gone.
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