people say "commited suicide" asif it were against the law ,but it is your own choices and your own lyf. If animals were suffering we would put them down thats not against the law, so why is it for a human?
it is a crime
against the law
if successful
what is the gov gonna do?
but if unsuccesful
mental hospital
Humans are not animals. Humans have souls. Animals don't.
Because it's the same as murder. You are still killing someone. It just happens to be yourself.
suicide is against the law. There is actually a law against it. The ending of human life is not allowed in our culture (unless you are an unborn baby... don't even get me started).
It is a crime. In most states it is against the law. Of course, if you're dead, you're not likely to be arrested and prosecuted.
I think the reason is because you can get help for the condition as animals cant really talk with vets about their problems. Its important to go through each option before thinking about suicide
ummm I don't know were you are from but trying to commit suicide is against the law!!
Taking another persons life would be murder.
Taking your own life is a sin.
All my opinion of course and I am entitled to my opinion.
It is against the law--it is murder, or attempted murder--even though it is of one's own self. If someone attempts suicide, and fails, they could go to jail--or at least to a mental facility for as long as the court says they have to stay there.
Probably because it's unpleasant and selfish and it hurts a lot of people -- either emotionally or financially or both.
I agree with the idea of mercy killings and generally respect the work of Dr. Kevorkian, for example: in an interview he was explaining how most people, when realizing they have the choice to end their lives, usually don't.
It's very perplexing as to why it would be illegal -- I mean, people die every day in this country through lethal injection/electrocution and it is government sponsored. A person should be able to do as they please with their bodies.
Because you can help a person get better and with their depression and problems. With animals, we can't tell how they're doing because they can't tell us how they feel. Humans can express emotions and so we know what we can do to assist them. They just have to tell us what's wrong first. Besides, suicide doesn't just kill them, what about their friends their families and etc.
Because we are quite a bit different than animals. . .
If what you are saying about animals is true, then we should not have any laws preventing anything.
Animals kill each other too. They don't get sent to prison, so neither should the murderer next door.Animals also eat each other and their young. . .
Comparing a human to an animal makes for a weak argument.
in all states, suicide is a crime. if it fails, you can be locked up in a mental health ward for up to ninety days, and sometimes longer, or until you are no longer deemed a danger to yourself. reason: the mental health community has decided that no one hwo is suicidal is normal by their standards of normalcy. the problem is, who gave them the right to make such a decision and set such an obviously self-serving, biased set of conditions for sanity?
First off if animals were suffering, why would you want them to live. That is very mean. Second off Committing Suicide is a crime in the eyes off GOD. In the eye of the law, you would have to seek help. If you commit suicide you will go to hell. It is the same and commit adultery.
when you commit suicide you kill yourself which means in gov terms you killed someone which was you.
Buddha (not trying to get religious) believed killing a living thing including yourself is the worst sin possible. B/c when you kill a person you end his/her life which means all the cells and organs dies so in a way when you kill a person you dont end a life but instead you ended billions of life. Commiting suicide is no different you may have chosen your own death but you ended all of your cells life and the one purpose of cells ( science belief) is to live. you cells work together for survival and killing yourself jsutr ends the purpose.
i don't even know if it is against the law in the uk. but i don't think it should be - like you i think it should be up to us what we do with our own life - why should others decide whether or not we should live when we are suffering? i think it should be the individual's choice.
No doubt i'll get a load of thumbs down for this, but this is my opinion and i stand by it.
commited suicide...committed doesnt always mean crime.i was committed to getting my work done on time.
see what i mean...commited simply means To do, perform, or perpetrate: commit a murder.
To put in trust or charge; entrust: commit oneself to the care of a doctor; commit responsibilities to an assistant.
To place officially in confinement or custody, as in a mental health facility.
To consign for future use or reference or for preservation: commit the secret code to memory.
To put into a place to be kept safe or to be disposed of.
To make known the views of (oneself) on an issue: I never commit myself on such issues.
To bind or obligate, as by a pledge: They were committed to follow orders.
To refer (a legislative bill, for example) to a committee.
There are many reasons for this. The first is that your own behavior affects the lives of others. Your decision to end your life has very real consequences on the people you leave behind on this Earth-- your parents, siblings, friends, coworkers, but most importantly, the people who emotionally and financially depend on you, such as your spouse and children. There is thus a general public policy against shirking all of your responsibilities by taking your own life.
Furthermore, these actions often times affect society at large. This is because many attempts at suicide result in nothing more than failed attempts. For example, the person may have hesitated the second before he squeezed the trigger. The result is that instead of instant death, the person is still alive, paramedics are summoned, and he is rushed to the operating room for hours upon hours of brain surgery. This person should be forced to compensate society for the harm he has caused them. Not just the financial costs per se, but the fact that he took up a hospital bed when other people may have needed urgent care.
Anyway, just because something is your own choice, done with your own body, and involving only the actions of consenting adults doesn't mean that our government cannot regulate it. Prostitution, Gambling, Bigamy, Polygamy, Gay Marriage all fit this category, yet in most states these institutions have been outlawed or allowed only in limited circumstances. The public policy here is that the state may proscribe any behavior that it considers to be "immoral."
Yet there is still one additional reason why the state may criminalize this. That is because (as certain political persuasions believe) the state has a duty to further the best interests of its citizenry; and often times, the citizenry do not know what is in their own best interests. So for this purely paternalistic reason, the state has outlawed suicide, adopting the view that if a person were to choose to take their own life, this would not be in their own best interest.
I hope this helps.
~Because it is murder, I know it's silly. We put animals out of their misery, why can't we do that for each other, legally?
Some people will say, it's because someone has to clean the mess up, it has nothing to do with that. The people who end up cleaning up the mess decided to be in that profession, and I'm sure they know it was in their job description.
This wouldn't happen if we were allowed to choose. I've wondered about his for a long time.~
I think the term "committed suicide" comes from the era when it WAS a crime in the UK and if one survived a suicide, you could be prosecuted and imprisoned. The 1961 Suicide Act decriminalised suicide, but was intended to ensure that anyone attempting suicide was understood to be mentally ill and provided with immediate help.
From what I can find on the internet, it seems that all states of the US retain a criminal law against suicide, but none actually prosecutes people who try to take their own lives.
The issue about putting animals down gets us into a separate debate, which is about ASSISTED suicide - i.e. you are not doing it all alone but are helped by someone else. This is currently against the law just about everywhere, although some countries don't in general prosecute (Netherlands, Switzerland) so long as the assistance falls within very strict boundaries. The difficulty seems to be in the attempts to word a law which would be foolproof - i.e. ensuring that people who genuinely and for 'good' reason (eg suffering a terminal illness) want to end their lives are enabled to do so, without cases such as those where OTHER people want someone gone, and put pressure on them, slipping through the net. It just isn't seen the same way for animals, even though people DO get their animals put down for their own convenience.
I agree with 'pullthetrigger', i am from the uk and I don't think it is actually illegal and in my religion you don't no go hell either. Yes you end a life, but it's yours to end, why should you suffer on. I am shocked that it is against the law in the USA actually. Most people answered saying that humans can ask for help, so unlike animals they can in some respect "get better" but that's not always the case, talking, medication etc doesn't always end mental pain and what use is sticking someone in an institution to remain in pain the rest of their that not just plain cruel? Perhaps i come from a biased view point and i know i will get many thumbs down, i am sorry but it's only my opinion as being someone who has been suicidal..not actually committed or attempted it...but wanted to.
Animals don't have the choice to be put down or die..unless when they walk out on roads, that is what they are doing..who knows. Humans are different and i am not saying suicide should be condoned but i don't think it should be against the law were someone in so much pain that dying seems the only way out, gets punished if they are not successful instead of helped properly (which doesn't always mean sticking them in a 'mental home')
some of the answers here made me abit mad, so i am sorry to anyone who is offended by my answer but i had to comment!
best of luck xxxx
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