i am 30 yrs male, iam very negative abt every thing i do. i cannot concentrate
on any thing i cannot continue doing anything for longer time.can anyone
suggest any way out ,remedy?
You're being depressed. But the depression comes from your anxiety. So you'd need to find out the sources of your anxiety which were very minute feelings. So I'd suggest of your taking those minute feelings of anxiety seriously first, and anything else in your life second. So that you could face it and lessen it as a result. Once you'd feel better and your anxiety lessened you'd again earn your self-confidence back. So that you'd less care about other people's opinions on yourself and could relax yourself and would not be disturbed by the things and people around you. So you could be more easily concentrate on yourself. And your endurance to keeping up with a work would be increased. How's that sound? Good?? So try to be aware of your sources of anxiety, be it the voices, the parents being kept an astute eye on your every step you'd take, or the pressures from the workplace or personal relationships, and so on. Ready to go? Go.
But, on the second thought, if you'd feel painful and cannot get over it with your current conditions, you'd need to see your psychiatrist who would prescribe you some anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs.
Try www.success.org . It helped me a lot.
I'm kinda the same
Maybe because a lot of people are either selfish, mean or just plain stupid. Its a good reason to be negative about a lot of things
depression? A.D.D.? Stress?
it sound like you have a bit of depression the best thing to do is go to your GP and discuss it with him he will help you,
if you want a herbal remedy try St Johns Wart.
good luck
Maybe you've been let down a lot in the past. Try to find someone that inspires you somehow and ask them for some advice.
Because you choose to be!
Its a big subject but the above summarises it in a few words.
Just for the sake of it try reinterpreting your thoughts into positive ones, so instread of getting road rage or moaning when you in a traffic jam, say. Whell at least I've now got time to think.
You'll be surprised what effect this will eventually start to have.
You need to do it though for 21 days so that it becomes habitual.
If you stick at it then you will start to lose your partience with negative people.
Remember, its never the event, itas always the way you interpret the event!
First see doctor to be sure there are no physical problems that may be contributing. If not, ...
Second see a naturopath for help with diet. Poor diet can definitely make it worse. If you are fine here.
Third, see a counselor to help you figure out what underlying causes of negativity may be. Then work with him/her to figure out how to get rid of those causes.
Fourth, if you are not a spiritual person, seek God. If you are spiritual, seek God.
Hi you sound slightly depressed. You could try looking for a sort of quiz thing online to answer questions and see how you score for depression. Please dont take anything from a doctor without checking online first. I was given Venlafaxine three years ago and have just found out there is a waging war against the makers as its very hard to get off and the withdrawal is awful. Try St Johns Wort a natural remedy as doctors are so quick to give you pills galore. You may be just feeling slightly down. We all get it so dont worry to much.
try Bachs Rescue Remedy it is supposed to make you think more positively they sell it in chemists and Holland and Barrett.
Tune your mind to logic sense and inculcate in your mind that we are all human beings.Don't be selfish be honest and helpfull to the needy.The clean belief will make you think positively and that will you loved by every ones.
There are countless books out there that can help.
you are not alone. many people including myself have
gone through what you are going through .
i dont know your actual circumstances but i can promise
you if you start reading books on positivity you can help yourself to understand why you feel this way.
Your thoughts are just like everything else about us, they are controlled through repetition and habit.
Continually thinking negatively will make it your norm.
I used to do it too.
The next time you think negatively, ask yourself why you feel that way and if it's the only possible way to feel. You will have to force yourself to do it and yes you will think it is stupid when you first start doing it.
Someone you know walks by and completely ignores you.
Negative answer; they don't like me, I am not worthy of attention, I draw people away, etc.
Alternatives; they didn't see me, they have something heavy on their minds, they have somewhere to go, I didn't reach out to them to let them know I was there, etc.
It's all perspective with no one perspective being always correct. Negativity is most certainly not the correct answer to all situations.
Do this with ALL negative thoughts until negativity is not the first or at least not the only thought that comes to mind after a situation. It will take time, but you will feel so much better once you do it.
Or get therapy if you feel you can't do it alone. Perpetual pessimism is no life to live.
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