I am doing a paper on why americans are worried about tiny things or things that wont even kill us. Like say a airplane ride, even though most likely youll die on the way to the airport. Or spiders that cant even kill us? and please include resources if you have any please?
Actually, airplanes do crash. The thought of dieing such a horrible freakish death by falling 35000 feet and then exploding is pretty terrifying to some people (like muah).
But I think people worry because they don't the truth about that stuff, or they don't understand it or know how it works. Like, if I saw a snake, I wouldn't know the difference between a lethal one and harmless one, so I'd freak out and be afraid and worry. Another example is like with roller coasters...people who don't understand how it stays on the tracks are going to be the people who freak out and refuse to ride it because they think it's gonna go flying off the rails.
And about the airplane thing...maybe I wouldn't be afraid of them and worry about them if I knew how they stayed up in the air, and if I knew why it gets so bumpy up and why it makes so many strange noises. But I don't, so I worry.
I don't worry about car rides, because I know how they work, and I have confidence in my driving abilities (though, I do worry about the other people on the road)
because if the airplane falls- you die period. Check the record of survivals number's kind of small.
Spiders because they are gross and hairy and give people goose bumps when they crawl across you- that and many can't tell which ones are poisonous and which aren't.
by the way, stats say they are not LIKELY to kill us... me I don't want to be the lucky one. Who wants to be killed by a frog for crying out loud.
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