
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why I feel hollow, and terribly absorbing care and interesting things?

It's like I can't provide care and fun for myself.

...When I'm on internet, I have to keep reading, news, fun things, people's articles on all kinds of forums.

....When I'm with my fiance, I'm so demand of his care and need him to help me feel happy and live an organised life.

.....Before I met my fiance, my life was so boring. I wouldn't say it was worthless, cos I like my career. But I didn't have much fun in my life, didn't really socialise with people.

...I feel so hollow inside, no fun and warmth growing out of my own heart. but don't know why.
Sounds like you're stuck in a bit of a rut. Do something new and different. Cut your hair, go out, go on holiday, change job, retake some exams, move yourself up in the world. You have lots of possibilities.
I know how you feel i love to watch those make over programs and i want to be there myself. I live within easy distance of London and there is so much to do there yet i sit at home on my own watching TV. I think we needto becone more positive about ourselves and the things we can do.
Sounds like you're suffering from depression. Help is out there, so it wouldn't do you any harm to go to your doctors.
You may be depressed, which can be caused by myriad things and lead to a chemical imbalance in the brain (Tom Cruise be damned). Mine was caused by the death of my oldest son, but it doesn't have to come from something that traumatic. It seems to sap color and life from you. Medication can be a huge help and you can feel a difference in as little as two weeks. It's just something that creeps up on you and you eventually realize you're dealing with life in a better and more hopeful, happy manner. Mine was dandelions. I felt I was being told to go to something small and simple to find beauty and joy. I went into my yard, looked at trees, bushes, blades of grass. Then a dandelion caught my eye. I looked at the lovely sun color of this little flower, saw how perfect each petal was, how perfectly arranged each petal was. And it was so tiny. And something clicked. And my life had color and interest again. Check out the depression idea. You need color in your life, which is hope.
are you on any sort of anti-depressants. I am and how you describe your feelings i can relate too. This may not be your answer, but there again it may. In my veiw anti-depressants are best avoided, and seek alternative help/remedy. Growing out of your own heart? I have lost my soul. Without our soul who are we?

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