diana you had your whole life in front of you, you were gorgeous, perfect hair and body, smart, intelligent, why why why is this happening, i wish i could of helped you more, i'm so sorry for letting you down, if only you were here again, i miss you, i love you, i wish you were here, you were my little sister, we had our differences but i have always loved you, more than you will ever know, why did you have to leave this world, u were so young only 23, why why why......why.. mom, dad, your other brothers and sisters, ...why, god please tell me why
Seeking reasons for such unfortunate events is a normal human trait. Even if you had a detailed answer, giving the exact reasons, which rarely helps much, you would still have to cope with the loss, and go through the necessary stages of grieving. Phone Hospice or the Samaritans (phone book) www.samaritans.org Email jo@samaritans.org Go to http://www.mind.org.uk/ and type "grief" in the taskbar and press your "enter" key. See http://talkingminds.15.forumer.com/... Later, make a photo album/scrapbook and/or a shrine in remembrance, and select one day/month for remembering her, maybe planting a tree, as well.
Things happen, and we must move on and accept the fact that we will all pass on eventually. Anything could happen, the apocalypse is predicted for 2012 as it is... I'm sorry to hear of your misfortune, but you must move on. Remember, she's watching you. Get revenge on death by making your sister proud.
um. hmm.
I'm sorry, sweetie. It sounds like something really awful has happened.
I'm really really sorry.
I'm sorry for your loss. Most hospitals and even churches offer some kind of grief management support groups. They're usually free, also. Why not check into one of these groups? It will help you get through this.
I am sorry for your loss. I don't know if Diana took her life or had her life taken by illness or accident, but know that she is at peace and you will see her someday. I know right now that may not be entirely comforting, but in time, it will be once the shock wears off.
Please try to remember the wonderful times with your sister instead the last moments that were the worst. I will pray for you and your family. Take care.
I'm so sorry hon, it really sucks to lose someone we love, and blood we love is all that much harder to lose. With time it won't hurt as much, but the loss of a sister will never go away. But then you don't ever want to forget her, only move past the hurt. Try to occupy your mind as much as possible for a while, hang with friends, do healthy things you normally don't do. Time will help you move up the healing curve. If you can't seem to handle it on your own, you may need to reach out for some help. Don't wait if you have black thoughts, people love you, too! There often is absolutely no logical reason why, try not to ask the question, but I know your mind and heart are screaming for an answer. We are only on this earth for a moment, our goal should be to make the most out of what time we have left. Your sister wouldn't want to be a downer for you. You know that in your heart. Join a support group in your area, there is a great possibility of it helping. They will help you deal with the grief and the questions that can't be answered now. Don't blame yourself, you are not to blame. The support group will help you understand that as well. Don't go it alone. Take care of yourself.
This is to my way of thinking. We are all allotted a time period to achieve certain things in this life, what the certain things are, I don't know, but when we have achieved whatever they are, we are taken. Somehow , there a lessons in all of this for us. I think even the families we are born into are all preplanned for a reason. So be happy that you had your little sister for the time span that you did. Celebrate her life. Don't grieve for her for too long. She would not want that for you. Just don't ever forget her and live a good life for yourself and her and if you believe in God you will know that one day you will see her again.
im sorry that happened (lord loves you and his judgement is best) it was her time to go and it can happen to any of us so just keep her in your heart and her death will not be in vain
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