
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why do some emo kids slit their wrists? to take their mind off their life?

i guess that is why..
Some people cut for attention. Others cut to distract themselves from the emotional pain they feel.
To concentrate the pain elsewhere...
Self-injury is a complex phenomenon with many possible causes and meanings. Some do so as a release for emotional pain. Others self-injure as a way to punish themselves. Still others do to to feel "real" or less numb. On occaission (but not as frequently as you may believe), "cutters" self-injure as a way of demanding attention and screaming to the world "I am in pain. SEE my pain. SEE ME!"

Sadly, the behavior has powerfully addictive qualities. The "release" from the rush of endorphins after self-injury is undeniable. Some girls who "experiment" with cutting unwittingly put themselves at risk for a lifetime of fighting a very, very powerful addiction.

Regardless of the reason, self-injury is merely a symptom of a much larger problem (both psychologically and societally).
a.) at least with physical pain, there's an excuse for pain you already feel. it's a lot easier to put a face on the pain then try to explain to everybody (and yourself) why life sucks so bad.
b.) reaching out for help sucks. especially when you don't know what the response will be. everyone handles depression differently- my parents chose to do nothing about it, others think their kids are psycho.
c.) the way your question is worded really pokes fun at the idea of cutting, so back off and shut up. you asked on a freaking forum so you obviously know nothing about what you're talking about. take your closed-mindedness elsewhere.
i dont really understand why....i just know that its not worth leaving permanent scars to feel pain for a couple hours
a lot of ppl cut not intending to kill themselves or anything. Its kind of weird because you are numb, your emotions dont work right for some, cutting is used sometimes instead of crying, and also when you cant feel anything, you feel dead, but when you cut and see the blood and feel the pain or see the scar, you feel real, its like you wake up everytime you do it. Most cutters dont do it to scream for everyone to see, it is a private intimate thing, not for anyone else to know about or see but yourself.
first of all if you dont understand the reason that people cut why do you want to know?
and it isnt always to take their mind off their life sometimes cutting is a way to release the emotional pain that you are feeling that has been bottled inside of you with no other way of release. sometimes having the physical pain there is more real when you dont know the reasons to why you are feeling so bad. it sort of gives it all reason if only in that moment.
it is not always a way to get attention but at the same time it is a cry that you need help and that something is wrong.

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