
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why is it hard to speak about memories from my childhood?

actually, its impossible. i feel like i would be doing something wrong and i feel embarssed and i feel like the conselor or whoever i told would not believe me. i even doubt myself. i doubt my own memories. i feel bad for thinking what i remember. can anyone relate?

I relate completely to what you have just said. I am currently seeing a counsellor and I am talking abot childhood memories, i doubt myself all the time and feel embarressed to speak about things...infact i often sit there in silence, which helps no one but it can be so difficult and she (the counsellor) understands that, as will anyone you talk to.

memories from childhood can be so difficult to understand and its easy to doubt yourself...but if your thinking about it, then the chances are it's affected you in some way. The memories may or may not be clear but sometimes talking through it helps you to decide one way or the other.

I feel bad thinking about what i remember, sometimes you feel like your making it up, but as someone else said, why would your mind be making up such things. it is embarressin to talk about things but the chances are a counsellor and many professionals have heard it before. its amazing how much we can think we are the only ones that feel a certain way when we aren't and a counsellor could help you see that what your experiencing is normal. If you found it difficult you could also write your memories down for them. I know this is difficult too but its better to try hard and get it out!

best of luck!
Yes and it is painful But who in there right mind would make up such stories TELL ALL the only way you will be helped and releived from the problem No matter how sill they sound BEEN there
I'm sorry I don't relate but if you have issues, see a therapist. They are not there to judge, just to help.
You're not confused, you're seeing confusion.
Go. Talk. Sort it out. You are not alone.

Why wait longer so you can make yourself feel more miserable and unworthy?
just say what is on you mind, what ever it is. that is never wrong xx
Yes, I can relate. Therapy can and does help a lot. You will be believed, and accepted. Counselors do not judge you. They listen to you very carefully, and help you sort out your feelings and help you gain insight and understanding of your self and your life.

Best wishes.
From your question I gather that you are seeing a counselor. Always bear in mind that he is there to help you. He has heard lots of stories in his job and won't disbelieve you. However, you might try to talk to him about your concerns, I am sure he will help you.

Good Luck!
yes. but i go ahead and jump in anyway, despite the feelings.
usually when i think something i have an urge to share it with someone. so that overrides my other feelings. sometimes if it's embarrassing, i may joke a little bit to lighten it. just naturally do that.
i think sometimes i feel it's not right to share things from the past because it involves another person from the past who i have loyalty to, or a strong bond to, like my parents and sister, grandparents. but those are memories from a very long time ago when i was very young.
with a counselor, i'd take it like they are there to believe me. or at least accept what i am saying. i mean things you remember are just that memories, and they are real to you the way they are in your mind now. they may change and develop over time. feelings attached to them may change. i think it's usually is the feelings attached to them that do change overtime. like some things become humourous that once made you cringe with embarrassment.
i've had the feeling bad, when i remember something someone else has done. i suppose telling about it even if it is a little thing, is like 'telling on someone' and i know we were told to not do that by teachers and friends at school when we were children, like "don't be a tattletale"
one thing that does get me going, is not being believed. i really get going over that. i'd get angry if i thought someone didn't believe me when i was telling the truth. i've worked on that quite a bit, because a lot of the time it doesn't matter if people believe or not. you know what's real and true to you.
or talking to someone else can help set that straight if you aren't too sure.
other people remember the same events differently though. or recall different parts of the event.
because you have not come to terms with your memories,they give us the ability to come to terms with bad things and to have the ability to change how you relate to them,you could always write them down as if you were talking to some one,you can't erase bad memories but you can get them into manageable pieces which can be dealt with in your own time,i went to see a therapist it caused more heart ache,so i stopped going,at first it was ok i poured my heart out but i kept feeling worse but has we are all different including therapists/councillors it may be of great help to you,it wont harm in trying,i wish you good luck
I am going through this right now. My counsellor has started to help me to open up and talk about my memories. It is hard and I can't find some of the words, which she is also helping me with.

He/she will believe you and they will not judge you. Whatever you tell them will be kept confidential and they will help you to express your emotions and release any anger. They will give you the tools you need to help sort through whatever is causing you distress so that you can put it away in your mind and be at peace.

I am still struggling with mine, but I know that talking about it is going to help me. Please trust your counsellor they are there to get you through it.

I wish you all the best.


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