
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why do some people mock people who have been in mental institutions?

espeically the fact that those people are either in there with problems which may lead to them being in short periods, or some people are in there long term because they seriously need the help 24/7

i have been in a mental insitution before (was a mistake, i had a condition that was soon treated after) but i seen some people that i have seen over the years etc, and it is amazing how many people you know yourself who have needed to get that help, to get back on there feet again

(i do realise that there is very serious conditions to, that end up needing shock theropy (which i didnt think was used anymore, but i know for a fact that it is, because my aunty is a nurse in mental health).

so why mock people who need the help??
Unfortunately, they're easy targets

It just shows how callous people can be
Idiots whoto feel better about themselves, also people with insecurities...

But if its just a harmless joke then it doesnt matter, those who cant laugh need to get checked out themselves.
People are always afraid of things they don't understand. Most of the people who are in institutions are there because no one else can help them, or no one knows what is going on in their mind.

It's not that we are really picking on them it's just that we don't understand what is going on within their mind or thoughts.

And the sad part is that most of the people in these places do funny things and it gets repeated due to it being funny.
Some people just mock everyone.

You need to stay away from people who do it. Seek out the company of people who don't mock others. But I warn you, if you are all about your disability, regular people will avoid you because they have learned to focus on other things and they expect you to as well.

Ignorance. Lack of imagination. Stupidity.
I think there is a lack of understanding and also a fear of people with mental health issues.
I think some people use humour as a way of trying to relieve the anxiety they feel about these issues.
It can happen to anybody though, no-one is invincible.
They're ignorant buttheads who don't get it. Screw them! These people who mock us need to be SHOT!
because they are insecure about themselves. they think to mock someone else will stop poeple finding out about there own problems, not realising the hurt they are putting on the person they are making fun of.
i totally agree with dazed 6900, we make fun of things we dont understand or embarrass us.
Thats why theres so many names for penis and vagina, were embarrased talking about our genitals so we give them silly names.
Sorry kinda went off topic there, but yeah, we dont understand it so we take the piss, basically to cover our ignorance over the subject.
Its sh!t but thats life unfortunately
It is usually their own inadequacies or the 'it will never happen to me' attitude that gives them poor excuse to mock. I have worked in mental health for years and can tell you most of the mocking comes from the nurses who perhaps see the most negative part of mental health (the need to be hospitalized) as being the person suffering themselves.
So many times I walked into handover meetings where nurses say so and so is 'acting up' as in attention seeking or whatever. The real person when well, continues to suffer the humiliation that was the nurses attitude when they were unwell.
I honestly believe nurse's judge behavior (symptoms) unconditionally and often do not see beyond that.
A few years ago I did a study and coined the phrase 'tertiary' mental healthcare, which describes care that was mainly dealing with the behaviour of the sufferer rather than 'primary' care, which would look directly at the thoughts and work from there.
Behaviour expresses what is usually not listened to.
Hope your experience was more positive than this. Outside of the instutution, folk who work in mental health have terrible attitudes and those that don't suffer think that noone else should either.
People mock because that's a way they can feel superior to other people. It's human nature - you shouldn't fault them for being human.

As for being in an insitution, that's okay. You got the help you needed. I used to work in one, and once in a while I'll see the people I used to work with. They usually don't say anything, and I'll just say "hi". I have seizures sometimes, but I don't tell people about it, they don't ask, and life goes on.

Don't worry about needing help. We all do sometimes. It's not obvious to see when you look at people, but we all have to deal with life. That's okay to need help sometimes.
I have friends who used to pick on people who have been in mental institutions and then i tell them that I have been there to get my meds straightened out, and they are like are you serious? Then they think of it differently because I tell them how it helped me and that there own friend is a mental case so if they pick on others then they should just start with me! They then change there mind and re-think before they pick on others and I have gotten my point across to them that people don't go there for a picnic they go there for help! I needed the help with my meds and i had attempted suicide do to my dad dieing in my arms and it was a terrible time for me and I was grateful that i went there and got my life back together! I have no regrets of going and i am not embarrassed of it at all, i am very proud i went for the help i need and I wish more people would go get the help they need and just stand up to those people who do pick on them and say maybe you should go and get some help of your own!
This answer is simple.
We mock what we don't understand. We judge because we are scared it could happen to us. Ignorance is no excuse, but if you see things like mocking, then maybe you should teach people about the severity and sickness. Maybe you should be an advocate for Mental Illness if you dont like what you see.
fear of being insane themselves
I think this can be seen as a problem in society generally, and not simply in mental institutions. Health professionals can contribute to these problems since they may not be the healthiest folks themselves. (My mom was an RN for years, and she was very ill mentally).

I have also seen this behavior in my parents, siblings, friends, and peers over the years as I grappled with my own mental illness.

Most people who engage in this type of behavior may be ill themselves, though they may not know it.

They are insecure, at the very least. Most likely they are afraid of you because they see themselves in you, and they do not wish to accept the possibility that they could be suffering from a mental illness as well.

Those who lash out at others verbally may suffer from shame, which can often manifest itself as anger or rage. Mocking is simply another form of this behavior.

If you have dealt with your shame (under the assistance of a psychotherapist), then you can learn to ignore this cruel behavior.
People who try to see weakness in others are themselves weak.
People always have and always will see mental illness as taboo. I hate the ''Pull yourself together'' attitude, after all people with mental illness can't help the way their brain works.

Would people mock someone with cancer?... I wouldn't think so, and mental illness can be life threatening. Suicide is always a risk.

Since Mental Health illnesses can happen to anyone I wonder how they'd feel if they ended up in the same situation themselves and been laughed at.
Theres a bigger chance of becoming mentally ill than winning the lottery.

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